May 2020

Sir Knights,
We had a great meeting via Zoom in April. This month, right after the Council’s Zoom meeting, we will be hosting a meeting for Commandery members only, as we have an issue to discuss. At the York Rite Grand Sessions this July, a motion will be introduced to raise our per capita by $5.00. If it passes, our Commandery will need to do the same. At this month's meeting, we will need to discuss options.
I look forward to seeing you at the May 9th meeting.
Be Safe.
Harvey J Holcomb

Salutations, Companions of Sacramento Council No. 1.
We are living in interesting times. It has been since March that we were able to come together in person in friendship and Brotherly Love. Even though we may be physically absent from one another, we are still united, although in an informal format, via electronic medium.
It is good to hear and see one another through these means but I look forward to the future when we can once again be among Brothers in person, in peace and in harmony. Until that time arrives, be cautious, stay healthy and do not hesitate to reach out to a Companion.
Joseph Wallach
Illustrious Master

I hope you and your family are healthy and well given all that is going on in our communities and in the world.
When I began working on this edition, we lived in quite a different world, where our day-to-day challenges were the ones of abundance, all the choices, and annoyances experienced by the most fortunate generation to walk this planet.
We are all now undergoing a collective transition that has pushed us to change and to adapt, altering in some way our daily behavior to combat the effects of the COVID-19. Never again I will take for granted the ability to hug another human being, especially my Brethren.
I do miss our valued tokens of friendship and Brotherly Love.
We accepted the challenge and found innovative ways to stay connected by meeting electronically. For many of us, it was the first time we found ourselves dealing with video conferencing and computer applications like Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Webex, Facebook, etc. We adapted and overcame... and we are thriving!
On April 11th, members of the Sacramento York Rite Bodies joined our very first Zoom meeting and I have to say, what a beautiful experience it was. We shared stories, updates, and laughter. We were in unity again. If you are available, please mark your calendar for our next Zoom meeting this month.
To participate via VIDEO, click HERE
Date / Time: Saturday, May 9th at 9:00 AM
If you are not familiar with Zoom, please give me a call and I will be glad to give you a quick tutorial. All you need is a device with a camera and a microphone: laptop, smartphone, tablet, desktop computer, etc. Please give this new technology a try. I promise you will enjoy seeing everyone.
If unable to attend via, please don’t stay away.
Just call (669) 900-6833 to join us via AUDIO teleconference.
Meeting ID: 889 4711 5579
INNOVATION and CREATIVITY have been good, true, and key words for us this year. Just a few weeks ago, we had announced the launch of our newly redesigned website.
The new site provides members and visitors with an easier way to learn about York Rite Freemasonry in Sacramento. It has a great mobile version and gives you better access to our Calendar, Educational Material, Philanthropies, and a forthcoming How to Join page.
I am also delighted to announce that this publication of the Sacramento York Rite NEWS is my very first contribution as your new Editor, and, as such, I invite and welcome submissions to our periodical, along with proposals for special themes as well as expressions of interest in joining the editorial team as an advisor or reviewer. If you would like to submit a paper, please contact me for guidelines.
This edition brings you the unveiling of a new look for our newsletter and marks the return to being published once a month, as well as the launch of the new fully interactive, digital version of our newsletter!
Our goal with this new digital newsletter is to create something that is beneficial, synergistic, and more easily partaken by all members of the York Rite universe.
I would like to take the opportunity and express my gratitude to the following luminaries for their incredible support and guidance during my transition into this new role and through the process of redesigning our newsletter: Most Excellent Companion Phil Hardiman and Excellent Companions Ron Charles Sr., Joseph Dongo, Harvey Holcomb, and Joseph Wallach.
I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge our outgoing Editor, Excellent Companion Richard Wilson. Thank you for all of your hard work and commitment to our newsletter over the years.
In closing, Companions, I wanted to mention a very important date which is coming along, a day in which we honor the most important people in the whole world – our mothers.
Whether you are maintaining social distancing measures or simply thinking about keeping your mom safe, I know you will find an opportunity to do something special, even if you are unable to see her in person. She might love the idea of seeing you through a video call. Remind her of fond memories. Share a special lesson she taught you. Wish her a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Francisco Marques
High Priest

California Grand York Rite Sessions
The Grand Officers and Trustees met by teleconference on March 25th and voted to re-schedule Grand Sessions to July 14th-16th at the Wyndham in Visalia. This, of course, is conditional on the Grand Master removing his restriction on masonic meetings. As this is a weekday event, there will be no "frills" - no Banquet, no Drill Team, no Vespers program, no Royal Arch Widows degree. Grand Commandery will have all day Tuesday, the 14th, to accomplish its tasks; Grand Chapter will have all day Wednesday, and Grand Council will have all day Thursday. As the practice has been the last few years, the Corporation will meet Monday night, and again on Friday morning.
The Grand Sessions Committee will be refunding all registration payments sent in, either by check or PayPal, and a new registration document will become available early next week. Check the website as early as Tuesday morning: www.ca-gyrs.org. The Grand Presiding Officers have been tasked to produce a new schedule for each day by Monday, March 30th, when there will be another teleconference. So check the website on Tuesday morning.
Please distribute this information to everyone in your orbit who may have already registered for Grand Sessions, or may do so in the future. The Grand Sessions Committee will arrange with the Wyndham to cancel all reservations made for May in our block of rooms. If anyone made a reservation outside that block, or at another hotel, they will need to make their own cancellation.
These developments are a considerable inconvenience for everyone involved, and we can only ask for your understanding during these unparalleled times. Keep in mind that the Grand Officers have gone to considerable time and expense to plan Family Dinners, Installations and Receptions. It would be a nice gesture on your part, if you can make a mid-week event, to come, participate, enjoy the fellowship (however we may prefer to greet one another and at what distance!), to honor these Companions and Sir Knights who are, indeed, struggling mightily to preserve our institution and its practices.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Phil Hardiman
Grand Secretary-Recorder
Masonic Book of the Month
The Way of the Craftsman Deluxe Edition
A Search for the Spiritual Essence of Craft Freemasonry
In this new Deluxe Edition of an enduring Masonic classic, Bro. W. Kirk MacNulty takes you on a quest deep into the heart of Craft Freemasonry in search of its spiritual core. Drawing upon Renaissance philosophy, kabbalistic mysticism, and Jungian psychology, The Way of the Craftsman explores the symbolism and ceremony of the Masonic lodge in a profound and effective manner. With new illustrations, amended annotations, and a special Foreword by Masonic scholar Shawn Eyer, this new edition is designed to bring fresh insight to a new generation of Freemasons and those curious about Freemasonry.
About the Author
Brother W. Kirk MacNulty’s experience in Freemasonry spans more than fifty years. He is a Past Master of lodges in England and the United States, and the author of several notable books about the philosophy and culture of the Masonic Order, including Freemasonry: A Journey Through Ritual and Symbol (Thames & Hudson, 1991), Freemasonry: Symbols, Secrets, Significance (Thames & Hudson, 2006), and Contemplating Craft Freemasonry (Plumbstone, 2018).
Video of the Month​
CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
California Department of Public Health
Grand Lodge - Masons of California
Grand Commandery of California
Grand Encampment of Knights Templar
Sacramento-Sierra York Rite Association
Sacramento Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons
Sacramento Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons
Sacramento Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Companion Adept of the Temple Program
Sacramento York Rite NEWS
Monthly Publication
Sacramento Masonic Temple
1123 J Street
Sacramento CA 95814
Francisco Marques
(916) 832-8357
Richard Wilson
Editor Emeritus