This program is an exciting by-mail self-study program through the Degrees and Orders of the York Rite of Freemasonry administered by the Sovereign York Rite College of North America.
This initiative is offered to any Knight Templar of the Sacramento York Rite by enrollment through the Sovereign College office.
The course offers a series of exams focused on the ritualistic, philosophical, and esoteric teachings of the York Rite.
The exams include a combination of multiple-choice, true-false, and essay questions pertaining to the information presented in the Degrees and Orders of the Rite and/or in the resource materials which are recommended for study with the program.
There are five (5) exams included in the curriculum, named as follows:
Exam I. The Degrees of the Capitular Rite
Mark Master
Past Master
Exam II. The Degrees of the Capitular Rite
Most Excellent Master
Royal Arch
The WORDS in Masonry
Exam III. The Degrees of the Cryptic Rite
The Council Degrees
Royal Master Degree
Select Master Degree
The Secret Vault Tradition
Exam IV. The Orders of Chivalry
The Commandery Orders
Order of the Red Cross
Order of Malta
Order of the Temple
Exam V. The York RiteTraditions and Freemasonry
History of the York Rite
Second Temple/Secret Vault Tradition
Royal Arch Tradition
Knighthood Tradition
These exams are based upon the online resource material and the rituals of the
General Grand Chapter, General Grand Council and Grand Encampment of the U.S.A.
Increase or test your knowledge of the York Rite while you read the classic texts of Albert Mackey, Jackson Chase, Jeremy Cross, and George Conner. You will want to have access to your local Chapter, Council and Commandery rituals as you peruse the answers to the exams presented in the Companion Adept of the Temple program.
The five quizzes are open book and you can advance at your own pace. This is an ideal course for individual study and will sharpen your writing skills as you address in your own words the essay questions presented in the quizzes.
Upon completion, you will receive a personalized certificate naming you as a
Companion Adept of the Temple of the York Rite of Freemasonry!
by Albert Mackey
Freemason's Book of the Royal Arch
by Bernard E. Jones
by Albert Mackey
The Text Book of Cryptic Masonry
by Jackson Chase
The Templars’ Chart or Hieroglyphic Monitor
by Jeremy Cross
by George Cooper Connor
by Thomas Webb
(Contains Lodge, Chapter, Commandery, and Scottish Rite)
True Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic Monitor
by Jeremy Cross
(Contains Lodge, Chapter, and Council)