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December 2024


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Sir Knights,

As the winter draws on, may we too reflect within ourselves on these changing times. As I write for the article now, it is a chilly night. It seems like yesterday, we had the sweltering triple-digit temperatures.

With the changing of the seasons, take a moment to reflect on yourself and see where you are in your life’s journey.


Are you a better man than you were last year?


Our Masonic values encourage self-improvement so, may we ever change as the seasons do. Even with how consumerist Christmas has become, take a moment to remember the true meaning.


As the year comes to an end, I would like to thank all officers who

maintained their obligations and attended our conclaves throughout the year.


Do not forget to make your reservation to Sir Knight Joseph Dongo, KYCH, for the Christmas Observance Program on Monday, December 23rd.


Sir Knight John McCoy will be making a special dinner for us that evening. Lady Jeanne and I hope to see you there.


From the bottom of my heart, I wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Warmest Fraternal Regards,


Andrew Grajeda


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The year is coming to an end, and as I look back on what we accomplished, I wish we had gotten the “Companion Adept of The Temple” program up and running.


It is not too late to enroll. The Sovereign College is back, and they are taking orders. When we get enough Companions signed and doing the lessons, we can start a study group to review the lessons at the Saturday breakfasts.


This is a great program to study and learn the history of all of the Yorke Rite degrees. There are eight books for the program. They can be bought as hard copies or downloaded for free. If you have any questions, please let me know.


In October, Companion Jairo Gomez introduced a new idea of forming a “York Rite Degree Team” to help Blue Lodges put on their Second Degrees.


This will give us a presence at different Blue Lodges. The team will wear either Red, Purple, or Blue Blazers and will be given a chance to explain the York Rite Body of each color of blazer that is present. 


This is an excellent way to spread knowledge of the York
Rite. Grand York Rite has been talking about this for a while. Let’s see if we can be the ones to make it happen. So please think about how you can help.

We are starting a program of York Rite Ambassadors to keep the Blue Lodges informed of the York Rite. Please consider being a York Rite Ambassador for your Lodge. This is a small way to help our beloved Rite.


Dave Cobb

Illustrious Master

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Greetings Companions,

The holiday season is upon us, and I hope you are able to spend time with family and friends gathered around the table, sharing good food and fellowship. 


A time for us, as Companions, to reflect and be thankful for all the blessings we have and enjoy.

It is with great sadness that I share the passing of EC David Anderson, who served the Masonic community in many different ways. He was the current Grand Scribe of the Grand Chapter of California. His contributions to our gentle craft will surely be missed.

At the October Stated Convocation, there was some discussion about forming a degree team, such as the Scottish Rite PM & Ben Ali Shrine PM teams who confer 3rd degrees for lodges in Division IV. The discussion centered around forming a team to assist lodges with 2nd degrees.


If you are interested in participating on a degree team, please let us know. There is no requirement to be a Past Master to join the team. The only requirement is to be qualified to do the work.


EC Jairo Gomez has offered to assist in the formation of a team.

This would be a prime opportunity for us to promote York Rite Masonry throughout Division IV

On Saturday, November 23rd, at the Sacramento Masonic Temple, EC Francisco Marques was awarded the prestigious Hiram Award.


This award recognizes the unsung hero of the Lodge, the one who quietly goes about his work, day in and day out.


It’s a tribute to a Brother who has devoted himself, his time, and his talent above and beyond the minimal requirements of Freemasonry to become a shining beacon to others, both within the Fraternity and the community.


Congratulations, EC Marques, on this well-deserved award!

Each month, in the newsletter, I write about the current fire alarm control panel situation and required fire watch at the Sacramento Masonic Temple. The dollar amounts we are currently navigating are:

**The project estimate of $36,748.88 and a contingency of $15,000.
**A 31 day retainer for 24 hour fire watch totaling $26,040, as required by the Fire Marshal.
**Past due and current bills totaling $20,000.00.

Sacramento RAM Chapter #3 holds shares representing 13.06% ownership. We have been asked by the Hall Association to pay portions of these bills according to the percentage of ownership. Therefore, our total based on 13.06% ownership is $12,771.22.


Our Chapter does not have the necessary funds to cover this
payment. We are currently exploring some options to meet this financial obligation in lieu of forfeiting any shares. Companions, if you are able, I am asking you to donate on a monthly or annual basis to assist our Chapter in this financial matter.

It is imperative that Sacramento RAM Chapter #3 seek avenues to fundraise this next year to meet upcoming financial obligations. If you have any suggestions or ideas, we welcome your input.

Our next regularly scheduled Stated Convocation is on December 14th at 9:00 AM. Please make every effort to attend and support the officers who have made the commitment to serve. In the words of Sam Jaber, “You’ll be glad you did.



Eric Johnson

High Priest

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Saturday, 12/14/2024

1123 J Street

08:15 AM

Fellowship and Masonic Education Breakfast

09:00 AM

Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons

Stated Convocation

10:00 AM

Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar

Stated Conclave

*** *** *** *


Monday, 12/23/2024

1123 J Street

06:30 PM



07:30 PM



 RSVP at: (916)776 6440 or


Donation: $20



From the Secretary / Recorder Desk

Have you paid your 2025 dues? 

If your dues cards do NOT read "member in good standing ... through December 31, 2025", then you have fallen behind, and now would be a good time to catch up. 

Please contact your Secretary/Recorder at or make a payment at 

Sincerely and fraternally,

Joseph K. Dongo, KYCH
Secretary / Recorder

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Cordially Invites

Your, Your Family, and Friends

to Attend

The Knights Templar

Christmas Observance


Renewal of Knightly Vows


Monday, December 23, 2024


Dinner at 6:30 PM

Program at 7:30 PM

RSVP at (916) 776-6440 or

Donation: $20.00

Participation of:


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Contact Us


Sacramento Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons

Sacramento Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons

Sacramento Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar


Companion Adept of the Temple Program


Masonic Education


How to Join


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Sacramento York Rite NEWS

Sacramento Masonic Temple

1123 J Street
Sacramento CA 95814

Francisco Marques

Richard Wilson
Editor Emeritus


©2025 by Sacramento York Rite

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