July 2024

Sir Knights,
I would like to take a moment to thank each and every Sir Knight who made the Conferral of Chivalric Orders possible last month.
These are some of my favorite Masonic Ceremonies, and I wish I could have been there. Thank you for taking the time to make the Ritual come alive for the Candidates.
For our newest Sir Knights, welcome to Sacramento Commandery No. 2. The Commandery is an order rich in history that I am sure you will each cherish in your own way. Additionally, you do not need to have a uniform to attend a meeting. All Sir Knights are welcome. If you are interested in becoming an Officer next year, I advise you only to purchase the jacket.
You can find them at
I would not recommend initially buying a chapeau or sword. The reason for this is that once you are the Eminent Commander, the color of the chapeau and sword change from silver to gold.
The Commandery can loan you a sword and chapeau for the time being. If you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to reach out and ask.
With July and August being dark for the Commandery, this gives the officers time to study as we will be in advanced positions come September.
Stay cool in these warm summer months.
Fraternal Regards,
Andrew Grajeda

Dear Companions:
I hope you are all staying cool during this typical Sacramento Valley summer.
I believe this will reach you before we celebrate the Liberties and Freedoms we enjoy. During our picnics and other activities on the Fourth, let’s take time to reflect that even though we are in a time of disagreement and separation of “politics,” we are all Americans living in the Greatest Society of past and present history.
I was at Grand Sessions last May, and it was quite eventful.
Sacramento York Rite walked away with Honors:
Sacramento Council No. 1:
Received a certificate of “Honors for Membership Gained.”
Jesse Solis-Jacques was awarded “Illustrious Master of the Year.”
Joseph Dongo was awarded the “Membership Excellence Award.”
Phil Hardiman was installed as “Grand Recorder.”
Sacramento Commandery No. 2:
Was awarded “Commandery of The Year for the State.”
Joseph Dongo was installed as “Deputy Grand Commander.”
The Legislation passed at Grand Council included resolutions:
Cleaning the Constitution to make it easier to read
Raise minimum dues from $6 to $10
Give Councils power to suspend Companions who are 6 months late with paying dues
The Legislation passed at Grand Commandery included resolutions:
Changing a traditional Commandery to Research
Process of Knighting at a Festival
Raising the Per Capita
The Legislation that stood out was :
The introduction of the “California Temple Ritualist Award,” which is a Jewel to be worn on the uniform of a Sir Knight who shows exceptional Proficiency in Ritual.
If you get a chance to attend Grand Sessions, try to do so. It will be an interesting experience. Next year, it will be in San Ramon, which is a drivable distance.
Our Council will meet in the next three consecutive months, on July 13th, August 10th, and September 14th. Hope to see you then.
Enjoy your Summer and vacations.
Dave Cobb
Illustrious Master

Greetings Companions,
I hope that all of you are enjoying our recent warm weather as we welcome in the summer season.
Our 2024 Grand York Rite sessions are now behind us and we have a newly installed slate of Grand Officers. I look forward to their leadership as we embark on a new Capitular Year.
It is my distinct honor to inform you that our very own EC Joseph Dongo was presented with the Ritualist of the Year award. His dedication to our gentle Craft is second to none and something we should all strive to emulate. Congratulations EC Joseph!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank EC Nick Johnston, who graciously volunteered to fill the open vacancy of Principal Sojourner for the remainder of the year, as well as REGS David
Anderson for assisting with the installation during our June Stated Convocation.
Mark your calendars and save the date, as our Ladies' Night will be on August 10th at 3:30 PM! The event will take place at Caballo Blanco Restaurante located at:
5604 Franklin Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95824
The restaurant has asked that we pre-order our meals for time savings and efficiency.
Please email your name(s) and dinner selection(s) no later than August 3rd to:
Maja Johnson
We will submit the meal requests ahead of arrival and then will have a copy of your name(s) and selection(s) when you arrive for you to place at your chosen seat.
The menu is available HERE.
I hope that this is a start to an event that we can enjoy on an annual basis to recognize our Ladies not only for all they do for us but also for supporting us as we meet with our groups multiple times per month.
Our next regularly scheduled Stated Convocation is on July 13th at 9:00 AM.
Please make every effort to attend and support the officers who have made the commitment to serve. In the words of Sam Jaber, “You’ll be glad you did.”
Eric Johnson
High Priest

Saturday, 07/13/2024
1123 J Street
08:15 AM
Fellowship and Masonic Education Breakfast
09:00 AM
Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons
Stated Convocation
10:00 AM
Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons
Stated Assembly
*** *** ***
Numerous Festivals are planned.
Of particular note are:
East Bay
2312 Alameda Blvd
September 14, 2024
Chapter Degrees
September 28, 2024
Council Degrees
October 12, 2024
Commandery Orders
Colorado River
Riverside Hotel, Laughlin, NV
October 20, 2024 (07:00 PM)
Registration and Orientation
October 21, 2024
Chapter Degrees
Council Degrees
October 22, 2024
Commandery Orders

From the Secretary / Recorder Desk
Have you paid your 2024 dues?
If your dues cards do NOT read "member in good standing ... through December 31, 2024", then you have fallen behind, and now would be a good time to catch up.
Please contact your Secretary/Recorder at Joe@JosephDongo.com or make a payment at https://www.sacramentoyorkrite.org/dues
Sincerely and fraternally,
Joseph K. Dongo, KYCH
Secretary / Recorder
Sacramento Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons
Sacramento Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons
Sacramento Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Companion Adept of the Temple Program

Sacramento York Rite NEWS
Sacramento Masonic Temple
1123 J Street
Sacramento CA 95814
Francisco Marques
Richard Wilson
Editor Emeritus