May 2024

Sir Knights,
This past weekend, I had to work on various plumbing fixes in my house. It turns out that one of the tools I needed was a faucet seat wrench to remove the water valve seat in my shower.
I went through my tool locker and lo and behold, I still had my grandfather's set of seat wrenches that I had inherited.
Having the right tool for the right job is imperative. In the Commandery, our main working tool is our sword. Unlike any other Masonic body that I have seen, the Commandery’s use of the sword is unique in how heavily it is used in ritual. I encourage you at home to practice drills in your home safely.
As I have stated in the previous assemblies, Sir Knight Jesse Solis-Jacques will take my place at the head of the Commandery for the May 11th Conclave.
I trust that you all will be there to assist him running his first meeting.
Additionally, I would like to extend my thanks to Excellent High Priest, Eric Johnson, for organizing the Ladies' Night for the York Rite bodies.
This will take place at Caballo Blanco Restaurante on July 20th at 5:00 PM. Please see EHP Eric’s article in this
newsletter for more information.
Be sure to also mark your calendars for the
Commandery Orders Conferral ("Degree Festival") on Saturday, June 15th, at the Sacramento Masonic Temple.
Warmest Fraternal Regards,
Andrew Grajeda

Spring greetings from the Council Officers.
Hopefully, the rain has left and we can enjoy this Spring weather until the Valley Summer begins. Spring is a time of renewal.
Like all life in Nature, we emerge with fresh energy and a bright outlook for the coming season. So I feel it is appropriate that we have the Council Festival in the Spring.
So let us welcome the new Companions who bring new energy and ideas to Sacramento Council #1. We will meet them at the Stated Assembly.
Also, at the May stated breakfast we will try to, at least, start some
discussion about the Companion Adept of the Temple program for those of you who have enrolled and also for those of you who plan to. Please bring your materials with you. Maybe we can answer some questions and get the ball rolling.
The biggest event happening now is Grand Sessions, which begin May 16th. I will be there to represent the Council and will give a report at the Assembly following.
If you ever get a chance to attend them, I urge you to do so. You don’t need to stay the whole five days; you can stay for just one day if you like. The Grand Bodies conduct business on different days.
Next year, the Grand Sessions will be in San Ramon, so you can actually drive there in the morning and return the same night - and save the cost of a hotel.
Hope to see you at the Stated Assembly on May 11th.
Dave Cobb
Illustrious Master

Greetings Companions,
At our April Stated Convocation, we welcomed two new Companions, Dillon Mitchell and Brandon Jenkins, to our Chapter and I was able to present them with a signed & sealed
Congratulations and welcome! We look forward to seeing you at our Stated Convocations.
On May 16th - 20th, our Grand York Rite Sessions will be held in Burbank, CA. This is the time of year when we come together as Companions and vote on pending legislation.
I will be attending this event representing Sacramento Chapter #3. Our new Grand High Priest, ME David Sokol, happens to be a personal friend of mine. ME David and I attended the Inspectors Development Academy together many years ago and we have remained friends since. I look forward to a visit from him at one of our upcoming Stated Convocations.
As your High Priest, I will be receiving the Order of High Priesthood Degree. This degree is offered to all current and past High Priests and if you have not had the chance to receive this degree, it’s
something I strongly recommend.
Mark your calendars and save the date as our Ladies' Night will be on July 20th at 5:00 PM! The event will take place at Caballo Blanco Restaurante located at:
5604 Franklin Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95824
The restaurant has asked that we pre-order our meal for time savings and efficiency.
Please email your name(s) and dinner selection(s) no later than July 17th to:
Maja Johnson
We will submit the meal requests ahead of arrival and then will have a copy of your name(s) and selection(s) when you arrive for you to place at your chosen seat.
The menu is available HERE.
I hope that this is a start to an event that we can enjoy on an annual basis to recognize our ladies not only for all they do for us but also for supporting us as we meet with our groups multiple times per month.
Our next regularly scheduled Stated Convocation is on June 8th at 9:00 AM.
Please make every effort to attend and support the Officers who have made the commitment to serve. In the words of Sam Jaber, “You’ll be glad you did”.
Eric Johnson
High Priest

Saturday, 05/11/2024
1123 J Street
08:15 AM
Fellowship and Masonic Education Breakfast
09:00 AM
Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons
Stated Assembly
10:00 AM
Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Stated Conclave
10:00 AM
Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Memorial Service
*** *** ***
York Rite of California
Thursday, May 16th, 2024
Business Sessions
Friday, May 17th, 2024
Grand Council
Saturday, May 18th, 2024
Grand Commandery
Sunday, May 19th, 2024
GYR CA Corporation Annual Meeting
AMD - Order of the Scarlet Cord
Commandery Drill Team
Memorial Service
Golden State Chapter of Research
Grand York Rite Banquet
Monday, May 20th, 2024
Grand Chapter
2500 N Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505
*** *** ***
Numerous Festivals are planned.
Of particular note are:
1123 J Street
June 15, 2024 (09:00 AM)
Commandery Orders
East Bay
2312 Alameda Blvd
September 14, 2024
Chapter Degrees
September 28, 2024
Council Degrees
October 12, 2024
Commandery Orders
Colorado River
Riverside Hotel, Laughlin, NV
October 20, 2024 (07:00 PM)
Registration and Orientation
October 21, 2024
Chapter Degrees
Council Degrees
October 22, 2024
Commandery Orders

From the Secretary / Recorder Desk
Have you paid your 2024 dues?
If your dues cards do NOT read "member in good standing ... through December 31, 2024", then you have fallen behind, and now would be a good time to catch up.
Please contact your Secretary/Recorder at Joe@JosephDongo.com or make a payment at https://www.sacramentoyorkrite.org/dues
Sincerely and fraternally,
Joseph K. Dongo, KYCH
Secretary / Recorder
Sacramento Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons
Sacramento Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons
Sacramento Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Companion Adept of the Temple Program

Sacramento York Rite NEWS
Sacramento Masonic Temple
1123 J Street
Sacramento CA 95814
Francisco Marques
Richard Wilson
Editor Emeritus