April 2024

Sir Knights,
Thank you to all who attended our Conclave on March 9th. It warms my heart to see each of one of you in the Asylum
Once again as I write for the newsletter, it is raining outside. I am sure once it is 100 degrees during the summer, I will be wishing for this cool weather once again.
This reminds me of the folktale of the Magic Thread. In the story, a young man is given a magic ball of thread with a loose end. Every time he pulls on this loose thread, his life speeds forward in time.
Throughout the story, he passes milestones, such as young love, war, and having a family however, before he knows it he has pulled the thread so many times he advanced his life right to the end and is alone.
At the end, he is transported back to the beginning before he had the magic ball and now has a greater appreciation of the time he is given and to live in the moment.
As we wish for warmer weather, may we too appreciate this cooler weather, as it will be gone before we know it. I encourage you all to enjoy the fellowship that Templary allows us and to appreciate what we have now.
I know I appreciate each and every one of you in the Commandery. If you ever need anything, please let me know.
The Celebration of Easter Observance, organized by this Commandery, will once again be held in the beautiful Club Room on Saturday, April 13th, at 08:00 AM. This is a public event.
See the flyer below for more information.
I look forward to seeing you, friends, and family, then.
Warmest Fraternal Regards,
Andrew Grajeda

Spring To Action
Hi to all. Hope you and your families had a great Easter and are looking forward to a glorious spring.
This is a time for renewal. When all that went dormant in the grey and cold months. "Spring" back to life. This applies to ourselves.
Also, let God's glorious spring in and brighten your heart.
Time is passing so fast. Slow down for a moment. Take stock of what you desire to accomplish and have been putting off for "another time" and maybe put some in motion. And avoid some regrets in the future. Always work to get the most enjoyment out of life.
The next big Council event will be the Council Degrees in Auburn (956 1/2 Lincoln Way) on April 20 at 9:00 AM. We will be receiving some of these candidates into Sacramento Council No. 1.
So, let's try to attend - and welcome and support the new Companions.
Hope to see you all soon.
Dave Cobb
Illustrious Master

Greetings Companions,
Our 2024 Capitular Year is off and running! Our Chapter has been very busy and this is what has taken place since my last writing:
• February 26th, at the Sacramento Masonic Temple, the Mark Master Degree was conferred. Six Brothers received the degree!
• March 11th, at the Sacramento Masonic Temple, the Past Master Degree was conferred.
• March 16th, at the Yuba City Masonic Temple, the Mark Master and Past Master Degrees were conferred.
• March 23rd, at the Woodland Masonic Center, the Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch Degrees were conferred.
I want to thank all of our Companions who participated in the various degrees for their commitment to excellence and for making all these events successful.
March was also a time to celebrate Easter with our family and friends. I hope that all of you were able to enjoy time with your family for this special Holiday.
I am still planning to have a night out with our ladies sometime this summer. It sounds like the other two bodies might be interested in making this a joint venture. I have a Companion who has volunteered to look into some venues that would accommodate us and also to get some pricing options. I will keep you posted as things progress.
On Saturday, May 4th, at the Sacramento Masonic Temple, EC Francisco Marques will be awarded the prestigious Hiram Award. This award recognizes the unsung hero of the Lodge.
The one who quietly goes about his work day in and day out. It’s a tribute to a Brother who has devoted himself, his time, and his talent above and beyond the minimal requirements of Freemasonry to become a shining beacon to others, both within the Fraternity and the community.
The event is scheduled to begin at 11:00 AM and a meal will be provided but RSVP is required. Please send your RSVP’s to: Secretary@WLN20.org no later than April 30th.
Congratulations EC Marques on this well-deserved award!
Our next regularly scheduled Chapter meeting is this month, on April 13th at 9 AM! Please make every effort to attend and support our officers who have made the commitment to serve!
In the words of Sam Jaber, “You’ll be glad you did”.
Eric Johnson
High Priest

Saturday, 04/13/2024
1123 J Street
08:00 AM
Celebration of Easter Observance
Public Event
09:00 AM
Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons
Stated Convocation
10:00 AM
Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Stated Conclave
Numerous Festivals are planned for 2024.
Of particular note are:
San Bernardino
2880 N. Arrowhead Avenue
April 6, 2024 (09:00 AM)
Commandery Orders
956-1/2 Lincoln Way
April 20, 2024 (09:00 AM)
Council Degrees
1123 J Street
June 15, 2024 (09:00 AM)
Commandery Orders
East Bay
2312 Alameda Blvd
September 14, 2024
Chapter Degrees
September 28, 2024
Council Degrees
October 12, 2024
Commandery Orders
Colorado River
Riverside Hotel, Laughlin, NV
October 20, 2024 (07:00 PM)
Registration and Orientation
October 21, 2024
Chapter Degrees
Council Degrees
October 22, 2024
Commandery Orders

From the Secretary / Recorder Desk
Have you paid your 2024 dues?
If your dues cards do NOT read "member in good standing ... through December 31, 2024", then you have fallen behind, and now would be a good time to catch up.
Please contact your Secretary/Recorder at Joe@JosephDongo.com or make a payment at https://www.sacramentoyorkrite.org/dues
Sincerely and fraternally,
Joseph K. Dongo, KYCH
Secretary / Recorder

The Book of the Chapter
by Albert G. Mackey
The objects of the author in the preparation of the present work has been to place in the hands of every Royal Arch Mason a book in which he may find a lucid explanation, so far as the laws of our institution will permit, of all that has excited his curiosity or attracted his interest in the Chapter degrees, and above all, to furnish an elementary treatise of easy comprehension on the symbolism of Royal Arch Masonry.
The plan upon which it has been written is a novel and hitherto untried one. Yet he thinks that he knows enough, from past experience of the wants of young as well as of old masons, to authorize him to anticipate, with some confidence, its favorable acceptance by the Craft.
This book has been adopted by the Companion Adept of the Temple Program, which is the study course communicated by the Illustrious Master of Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons, Excellent Companion Dave Cobb, in this month's newsletter.
ISBN-10 : 8417732969
ISBN-13 : 978-8417732967
Video of the Month
Sacramento Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons
Sacramento Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons
Sacramento Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Companion Adept of the Temple Program

Sacramento York Rite NEWS
Sacramento Masonic Temple
1123 J Street
Sacramento CA 95814
Francisco Marques
Richard Wilson
Editor Emeritus