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January 2023


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Salutations, Companions of Sacramento Council No. 1 of

Cryptic Masons.

As another year has come to an end for our Council, I look back at the last three years that I was fortunate enough to serve as your Illustrious Master.


At the beginning of 2020 when we were not allowed to meet in person until the later part of the year when we were able to have fellowship virtually through zoom. 


At the beginning of 2021 when we continued our journey together via zoom until the latter part of that year when we were finally able to be amongst each other once again in person. 


And lastly in 2022 when we were able to start as well as finish the year in person. 


Time and distance have a way of softening many bonds, even with the benefits of connecting via zoom.  However, my experience in the Council over the last three years was contrary to the aforementioned experience. 


No matter the place, no matter the medium of communication, all were present, all were Companions and all were there for one another. 


I look forward to 2023 with a new Illustrious Master and his slate of Officers. 


Be well and may we all have a Health and Prosperous 2023.


Joseph Wallach

Illustrious Master

* * *

Happy New Year, Companions!


It is my hope that each of you had an amazing and memorable Christmas and New Year with your family and friends!


This past year went by fast and I am pleased to see that our Masonic Spirit continues to light the way for others and forever expand our wisdom in our Ancient Craft.


For this upcoming January 2023, I would like to provide my sincere congratulations again to our newly elected line of Officers for the 2023 York Rite Year for Sacramento Council No. 1.


My name is Jesse Solis-Jacques and I was born in Tucson, Arizona, and grew up in Sacramento, California, my whole life and now currently live in Roseville, California.


I have an extensive military background with the United States Marine Corps and am now currently with the United States Air Force. My favorite sports are basketball and baseball, however, I enjoy all sports, in general.


I enjoy connecting with the community at all levels and I’m so excited to be part of and surrounded by so many great people.


Lastly, I truly have a passion for learning new things and I have always embraced the importance of the continuance development of oneself.


Although this is only a brief introduction of myself, I look forward to meeting each of you and getting to know each other more in the future!


I would like to also present the theme for 2023!

Cultivate Kindness

The core of the social fabric of our ever-changing society is the development of the power and gift of Kindness for yourself and others.


This humble virtue reminds us that the experiences of compassion and service we decide to offer to one another, strengthen the pillars of Universal Respect, the Spirit of Charity, and Unconditional Love.


Kindness allows us to share the infinite wisdom in each of us and help improve our communities every day.


It is my hope, Companions, that we continue to find ways to practice the habit of Kindness to ourselves and others on every occasion. ​

Happy Holidays and New Year again Companions and I look forward to another splendid year!

Fraternally and with much Kindness Always,

Jesse Solis-Jacques

Illustrious Master-Elect

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Greetings, Companions of Sacramento Chapter No. 3 of

Royal Arch Masons


My year as High Priest has brought me a great deal of joy and gratefulness as the seat in the East of our Chapter was entrusted to my care. 


I want to thank all the Companions for the fellowship and support they have provided me this last year. 


As I reflect on the Officer positions I have held in the past years, each one held a special place in my heart, finally culminating in the honor of leading our Chapter. 


I have seen the Companions in the Officers line behind me grow personally as they held their various stations and all of us growing together as a Chapter. 


Congratulations to the Officers of 2023, I know it will be a Great year and I look forward to continuing as an active Companion. 


A Healthy and Prosperous 2023 to all.


Joseph Wallach

High Priest

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Saturday, 01/14/2023

09:00 AM

Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons

Annual Installation of Officers

Nicholas Johnston

(High Priest-Elect)

Thom Pryor


Andrew Grajeda


See Line of Officers HERE

10:00 AM

Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons

Annual Installation of Officers

Jesse Solis-Jacques

(Illustrious Master-Elect)

David Cobb

(Deputy Master-Elect)

Andrew Grajeda

(Principal Conductor of the Work-Elect)

See Line of Officers HERE

11:00 AM

Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar

Annual Installation of Officers

David Cobb


Andrew Grajeda


Jesse Solis-Jacques

(Captain General-Elect)

See Line of Officers HERE

Catered Reception Following


$10.00 Each - Please RSVP


Contact Phil Hardiman





From the Secretary/Recorder Desk

Have you paid your 2023 dues? 


If your dues cards do NOT read "member in good standing ... through December 31, 2023", then you have fallen behind and now would be a good time to catch up. 

Please contact your Secretary/Recorder at or issue your dues payment at 

Sincerely and fraternally,

Joseph K. Dongo, KYCH
Secretary / Recorder

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Sacramento York Rite NEWS
Monthly Publication

Sacramento Masonic Temple

1123 J Street
Sacramento CA 95814

Francisco Marques

Richard Wilson
Editor Emeritus


©2025 by Sacramento York Rite

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