September 2021

Sir Knights:
As the summer comes to an end. I pray, that the fires and pandemics also find an end to their hold on the world.
Sacramento is so beautiful in the fall. With leaves behind to change indicating the beginning of fall is to come very soon.
Meeting for breakfast with fellow York Rite knights reminds me of a passage we often hear: "How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. It is like the dew of Hermon that descended upon the mountains of Zion."
And since we spend so much time together in Masonry, we form a bond. We call it brotherly love. And when someone from our Commandery passes, it impacts us all. This was the case with our Past Commander Sir Knight Ron Charles Sr. May he Rest In Peace knowing that his good work is done.
During our Stated Conclave on 09/11/2021, we decided to absorb an $11.00 increase in initiation fees - meaning: new petitioners will not need to pay the increased dollar amount for initiation fees imposed by the Grand Commandery. Our initiation fees will remain with a frozen dollar amount until future deliberations and approvals.
We also joined a Parking Validation Program. The Sacramento Masonic Temple has obtained a deal with Premier Parking, the company that manages the parking lot adjacent to our building, which ultimately grants all Freemasons the ability to park for free. Their organizations (Blue Lodges and York Rite Bodies) will pay $2.00 per usage.
The Commandery will co-pay $1.00 per parking on the Saturdays we meet, together with either Chapter or Council, who will also co-pay $1.00 per parking. Our members will pay nothing.
You must use your smartphone to scan a QR code available at the Masonic Temple in order to have your parking validated in this program. The parking company has removed their machine from the lot, so there is no longer an option to pay with cash or credit card, unfortunately.
Important: The QR Code for YORK RITE BODIES is valid for the second Saturday of the month only - or upon request for special events.
If you do not use a smartphone, please visit the page below to find alternate parking locations:
Lastly, we have been talking about Sacramento Commandery No. 2 having a Drill Team. If you are still interested, please contact Sir Knight Joseph Dongo and let him know prior to our next meeting on 10/09/2021. We want to start meeting for drill practices and make a plan for the team in the future.
These are exciting times in our Commandery and every knight is needed for our noble order. And every little bit helps. Thank you in advance for all your hard work and dedication.
Volunteers are needed for the joint charity event with Washington Lodge 20 on Saturday, Sept 18th. This will also help our Commandery earn points for the Cross and Crown program. Please contact Sir Knight Joseph Dongo.
Three-way reception in Sacramento. Volunteers needed.
Humbly yours,
Luis J. Montero

Salutations, Companions.
September is here and I am excited to announce that we are resuming our in-person gatherings at the Sacramento Masonic Temple this month.
I can't wait to see our members in person after many months of virtual meetings and events.
Please join us on 09/11 for fellowship over coffee and donuts in the Club Room at 8:15 AM - followed by our Stated Assembly in LR2.
If you park at 1117 J Street (parking lot adjacent to our building), we will validate your parking via QR code available in the lobby. You will need to register with Metropolis to scan the code for validation. Assistance will be provided.
Hoping to see you on the 11th.
Joseph Wallach
Illustrious Master

Greetings, Companions.
September brings us great news and exciting new beginnings.
We will be gathering with members of the Council and Commandery for breakfast in the Club Room on the 11th - followed by each respective Stated Assembly and Stated Conclave. This is indeed very exciting for all members of the Sacramento York Rite Bodies!
On Saturday, the 25th, several Brothers will be joining our Chapter at the Capitular Degree Festival in Alameda:
Gabriel Garnica (Union-Tehama 3)
Jhason Wint (Union-Tehama 3)
John Delucchi (Union-Tehama 3)
John McCoy (Union-Tehama 3)
Jon Young (Union-Tehama 3)
Matthew Settles (Mendon 449 AF&AM Illinois)
Sean Ynostroza (Scepter 143)
Clint Beloberk (Bicentennial Daylight 830)
John Weldon (Clearwater 127 F&AM Florida)
I am thrilled about welcoming these new Companions into our Chapter and to our Stated Convocation on Saturday, October 9th.
Francisco Marques
High Priest

Saturday, 09/11/2021
08:15 AM
Masonic Education & Fellowship
Breakfast (Club Room)
09:00 AM
Council No 1 of Cryptic Masons
Stated Assembly
10:00 AM
Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Stated Conclave

From the Secretary/Recorder Desk
Have you paid your 2021 dues?
If your dues cards do NOT read "member in good standing ... through December 31, 2021", then you have fallen behind and now would be a good time to catch up.
Please contact your Secretary/Recorder at Joe@JosephDongo.com or issue your dues payment at https://www.sacramentoyorkrite.org/dues
Sincerely and fraternally,
Joseph K. Dongo, KYCH
Secretary / Recorder
Book of the Month
The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple
by Malcom Barber
The Order of the Temple, founded in 1119 to protect pilgrims around Jerusalem, developed into one of the most influential corporations in the medieval world. It has retained its hold on the modern imagination thanks to the dramatic events of the Templars' trial and abolition two hundred years later and has been invoked in historical mysteries from masonic conspiracy to the survival of the Turin shroud.
Malcolm Barber's lucid narrative separates myth from history in this full and detailed account of the Order, from its origins, flourishing, and suppression to the Templars' historic afterlife.
About the Author
Malcolm Charles Barber (born 4 March 1943) is a British scholar of medieval history, described as the world's leading living expert on the Knights Templar.
He is considered to have written the two most comprehensive books on the subject, The Trial of the Templars (1978) and The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple (1994). He has been an editor for The Journal of Medieval History and written many articles on the Templars, the Cathars, various elements of the Crusades, and the reign of Philip IV of France.
ISBN-10 : 1107604737
ISBN-13 : 978-1107604735
Video of the Month​
Sacramento Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons
Sacramento Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons
Sacramento Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Companion Adept of the Temple Program

Sacramento York Rite NEWS
Monthly Publication
Sacramento Masonic Temple
1123 J Street
Sacramento CA 95814
Francisco Marques
(916) 832-8357
Richard Wilson
Editor Emeritus