May 2021

Sir Knights:
The month of May in Sacramento is so beautiful. The flowers blooming, birds nesting, and people getting back to the hustle and bustle of things. We here in Sacramento Commandery No.2 are no different. Preparing our asylums for the upcoming conclaves, the various ritualistic works that must be re-visited before we begin to bring in new members.
And while the Grand Commander has set certain precautions in place, we too must take caution and ensure we are safe and ready to give the candidates the best experience possible. So, let’s crack open the ritual and help our Commandery where we can.
This is where we as Knights Templar should shine. Helping our fellow Knights and sharing our positive experiences to the craft that we love so much.
This month - because of our need to attend the Grand Sessions - I have decided to table our study session until next month. This will ease some of the transition from one virtual meeting to another. So please, stay tuned for our Masonic Education for the month of June. I am sure it will be very engaging and cause some discussion on the various topics related to the Companion Adept of the Temple Program.
If you have never attended a Grand Session before, these meetings are always interesting. We get to see other Knights from the surrounding areas, share ideas, and maybe purchase a little masonic memento for keepsake or for a gift for a worthy brother.
By attending, we remain visible to our Grand Commandery and participate in voting on the various legislations that affect our organization. Getting involved is how we mold the future of this Commandery.
I hope to see many of you on the call. We are there to help our fellow weary pilgrims traveling from afar. To join with those who have come this far. And join in with our fellow knights at this Holy Sepulchre.
Humbly yours,
Luis J. Montero

Salutations, Companions.
May has arrived and with it our next Stated Assembly. There has been movement regarding the potential for in-person Council meetings. The Grand Master of Masons in California issued information and guidance in regards to what conditions must be satisfied for indoor private events.
The aforementioned directives are also those to be applied to the York Rite Bodies. The state of California is also scheduled to release updated guidance regarding virus protocols on June 15th.
It is my sincere hope that the future holds a safer and less restrictive environment for all. One last reminder to register for the Virtual Grand Sessions before May 8th if you would like the experience without the travel.
Be well and find joy in each day.
Joseph Wallach
Illustrious Master

Greetings, Companions.
On April 21st, our Grand High Priest, Most Excellent Richard W. Bullard, issued a Directive concerning the reopening of Chapters of Royal Arch Masonry in California.
It is his regulation that Chapters may either follow the Grand Master Arthur Weiss' Reopening Directive to the letter as to holding in-person meetings or continue conducting business via Virtual Stated Convocations until further notice. Hybrid meetings (in-person plus online option) are not yet allowed.
Since it is my goal to provide the Companions with the best possible membership experience while reopening for indoor events with your safety, rights, and benefits as my top priority, I have prepared a survey for you - please click HERE to participate.
I would like to hear your opinion. I will review your responses with the Officers and deliberate on what course of action we will be taking for our Chapter. I can't thank you enough for your contribution.
In closing, Companions, just a quick reminder to mark your calendar for our Virtual Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons scheduled for Saturday, May 22nd, via Zoom.
Open to all Royal Arch Masons, the Annual Convocation goes from 09:00 AM to about high twelve. The Awards Ceremony and Annual Installation of Grand Officers start at 02:00 PM sharp. Click HERE to register TODAY.
Until then, please stay healthy and safe. We shall meet in person again soon.
Francisco Marques
High Priest

Saturday, 05/08/2021
09:00 AM
Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons
09:30 AM
Commandery No. 2 Knights Templar
Join Zoom Meeting
Or call (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 810 3688 9789
Passcode: 312
2021 CA Grand York Rite Sessions
Are Entirely VIRTUAL
May 8th: CAGYR Corp. Meeting & Grand Council of Cryptic Masons
May 15th: Grand Commandery of Knights Templar
May 22nd: Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons
Virtual Session Registration
Deadlines for registering are one week prior to each event for all VOTING members (to allow the credential committees to vet and prepare).
The Proxy / Elected Representative forms are available below.
All other attendees may register up to three days prior to the event.
Membership validation will be required for the tiled meetings, so please register early.
Virtual Session Registration Links
Please click HERE to register for:
• The Grand York Rite of California Annual Corporation meeting on May 8th,
• The Grand Council of Cryptic Masons Annual Assembly & Installation on May 8th, and/or
• The Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Annual Convocation on May 22nd.
Reservations for the Grand Commandery Annual Conclave on May 15th are at this LINK
Proxy / Elected Official Forms
You will need to download the appropriate form, fill it out, save the form and then email it to sec-rec@yorkriteofcalifornia.org
RAM Elected Representative and Proxy Credentials (PDF)
CM Proxy Credential (PDF)
KT Elected Representative Credential (PDF)
Zoom Virtual Session Training
You may want to familiarize yourself with Zoom by watching this video:
And read this Instruction Guide

From the Secretary/Recorder Desk
Have you paid your 2021 dues?
If your dues cards do NOT read "member in good standing ... through December 31, 2021", then you have fallen behind and now would be a good time to catch up.
Please contact your Secretary/Recorder at Joe@JosephDongo.com or issue your dues payment at https://www.sacramentoyorkrite.org/dues
Sincerely and fraternally,
Joseph K. Dongo, KYCH
Secretary / Recorder
Book of the Month
Cryptic Masonry: A Manual of the Council
by Albert G. Mackey
Containing Monitorial Instructions in the Degrees of Royal and Select Master - with an Additional Section on the Super-Excellent Master's Degree - this work is loaded with information for those interested in Cryptic Masonry.
The Masonic student who is desirous of pursuing his researches into these higher arcana of the institution will find in these pages some information on points of Masonic science and history, a knowledge of which is essentially necessary to a thorough comprehension of the moral design and symbolism of the degrees upon whose study he has entered.
ISBN-10 : 1453854304
ISBN-13 : 978-1453854303
Video of the Month​
Cryptic Masonry
(9 min)
CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
California Department of Public Health
Grand Lodge - Masons of California
Grand Commandery of California
Grand Encampment of Knights Templar
Sacramento-Sierra York Rite Association
Sacramento Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons
Sacramento Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons
Sacramento Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Companion Adept of the Temple Program

Sacramento York Rite NEWS
Monthly Publication
Sacramento Masonic Temple
1123 J Street
Sacramento CA 95814
Francisco Marques
(916) 832-8357
Richard Wilson
Editor Emeritus